Thursday, August 24, 2017

Different News Different Stories

Different News Stations Choose Different Stories To Headline!

I have chosen to search of a few known news sources the same thing in their search box, "North Korea". It seems to be a very popular topic recently and this topic as a lot of people questions what's in our future. Now, each person you speak to seems to have somewhat of a different opinion and a range of confidence in said situation. The question I ask is, "is their opinions based on which news source these folks go to for their information?" Below are those websites links and pictures of headlines (as well as their articles) as to how these particular news stations have chosen to pitch their stories. Please take a moment and look at these objectively and decide for yourself where you stand in all this craziness. 

Germany ‘will not automatically side with US’ in war with N. Korea - Merkel

The picture above is from where I looked up North Korea. That's all. This article was the second link that came up in my search. The article speaks on Germany's stance toward diplomacy and potential conflict with North Korea and America and how the Prime Minister left as though brute force was not the option in dealing with this issue. German is considered an America ally but much like England in the Iraq conflict the America media told us that there was overwhelming support to go in and occupy Iraq when in fact this was not the case.

A basic search for North Korea on Al Jazeera shows a number of articles speaking on the unlikely chance that there would actually be an escalation of conflict between America and North Korea. While others simply explain as to why the tensions are happening. In a nutshell most of these articles attempt to explain why this is happening and what are the points in which we should consider.

CNN, while looking up North Korea only seemed to write about spies that were caught in Ukraine looking to get some middle blue prints. The second link which came up spoke on the price of GOLD! I'm not exactly sure what that has to do with North Korea but so far none of the searches seem to bring up potential allies or neutral actors if any conflict did occur. An article that does pop up simply questions President Trump's mental health but does not look at the country as a whole but focuses simply on the president. This is something I would expect out of CNN.

Oh, FOX News...same process. Simple search, "North Korea" results mostly consist of missile development and more information on this than CNN. It seems as though FOX News is more aligned with the fear of North Korea and its threat to America and our allies as well as our territories.This is something that I would expect from this particular news station

Now, here's the thing. I have my personal new source that I prefer. I considered putting in an article from BBC but I decided to leave it alone for now. Looking at each new source there is a way in which they describe and choose to show each article as well as what is chosen AS articles which are shown on their websites. This goes back to not only bias within each new source but this also aligns and reflects what people look for and generally what consumers WANT to see and read. Is it possible that RT might actually be more truthful in what's actually going on with America and international relations? Is it possible that FOX wants their consumers to be concerned with an impending attack? Is it possible CNN does not find the topic as important as others and does Al Jazeera seem to find all of the commotion simply a show of "who's got a bigger missile"?

Each news outlet gets to choose what is more important to their own consumers and each has an agenda but at the end of the day each seems to know what will get more clicks and more attention. All I can ask is that you look for yourselves as unbiased as you can and attempt to see how each news station words their articles as to grab your attention. The tone of these sources is important to understand when taking the information and should never be done so on face value. :)

Hope you enjoyed my 2nd blog! I hope to tighten up these blogs as time goes by and really be able to give you something worth reading.

Thank you and have a great night!


  1. Hey Timothy!
    Nice report on the different sources. I'm so glad that you are one of the few who looks at several different sources. It seems like Americans only watch/read the stations that are immediately available to us (CNN and FOX for example), and so we do end up buying into what they tell us, instead of doing our own research. I thought you did a nice job of finding what different sources have to say about this topic.

    1. That's one thing I try to explain when I talk about MSNBC, FOX, CNN...etc.
      They are corporations and by law - I believe - the government looks at them as entities much like citizens. Where you the ability to embellish truths and so on. These companies aren't held to a higher standard so there's room for less factual reporting.

  2. Hey Timothy,
    I would have to agree with Anna as well you gave a nice variety of different sources. I can see how the different sources all have something different to say which is so crazy. Some people think reading off (CNN and FOX as Anna states is her example) how people more then likely will believe what they say. When I had looked at the different sources you put I was just amazed about the information about North Korea.

    1. Thanks. I appreciate the feed back. Honestly, this blog business isn't a area of confidence on my part but I am enjoying it as I go along. As I told Anna, it seems like these companies get to focus on whatever news they'd like while ignoring other more interesting stories (in my opinion).
